A Complete Care Guide to the Beautiful Snow White Parrot Cichlid


The Snow White Parrot Cichlid is a stunning freshwater fish that can light up any aquarium with its bright white coloration and vibrant personality. In recent years, these fish have surged in popularity thanks to their unique looks and relatively easy care requirements. This complete guide will teach you everything you need to know about selecting, caring for, and breeding Snow White Parrot Cichlids.


An Introduction to Snow White Parrot Cichlids

Snow White Parrot Cichlids (Andinoacara stalsbergi) are a man-made hybrid species that was first created in 1986 by crossing the Blue Acara (Aequidens pulcher) and the White Pearl Cichlid (Andinoacara stalsbergi). They were bred specifically to achieve an all-white fish with a stocky body shape and oversized fins.


These fish originate from Taiwan and Hong Kong, where the hybridization initially took place. Since then, they have become common in the aquarium trade and are bred prolifically on fish farms.

Snow Whites are moderate sized cichlids, reaching lengths of 4-6 inches when fully grown. They have a high-backed body shape with long, flowing fins that can extend several inches off the body. The dominant white coloration covers the entire body, aside from two black spots on the dorsal fin.

Compared to other parrot cichlids, the Snow White is praised for having a more natural body shape and smaller beak mouth. They are active swimmers that spend much of their time exploring mid-level areas of the tank.

While their unnatural hybrid origins are controversial to some aquarists, Snow Whites offer a unique and attractive look for cichlid enthusiasts. Their popularity has grown exponentially in recent years.

Setting Up the Right Aquarium Environment

In order to help your Snow White Parrot Cichlid thrive, you need to pay special attention to setting up an appropriate aquarium environment. Here are the key tank requirements for these fish:

  • Tank Size: A minimum 30 gallon tank, but ideally a 55+ gallon tank for a small group
  • Water Type: Slightly acidic to neutral pH between 6.5-7.5. Moderate hardness between 8-15 dGH.
  • Temperature: 72°F-82°F, with 78°F being ideal
  • Filtration: Strong filtration needed to handle frequent water changes
  • Substrate: Sand or fine gravel substrate
  • Hiding Spaces: Driftwood, rocks and cave structures
  • Plants: Hardy, low-light plants like Anubias or Java Fern



As cichlids that enjoy swimming, Snow Whites need ample horizontal space versus tall aquariums. Give them the biggest tank possible to accommodate their activity levels.

Perform 25-30% weekly water changes to replenish minerals and maintain pristine water quality. Use an aquarium test kit to check pH, hardness, and ammonia levels regularly.

Creating a complex environment with plenty of sight barriers will help reduce aggression when housing these active cichlids together.

Compatible Tank Mates

Snow White Parrot Cichlids can generally coexist with similarly sized, non-aggressive tank mates. Some compatible options include:

  • Small Tetras
  • Medium-sized Barbs
  • Rainbowfish
  • Bristlenose Plecos
  • Cory Catfish
  • Other New World Cichlids

Avoid keeping Snow Whites with aggressive fish like Oscars, Jack Dempseys, or Convict Cichlids that may attack them. Small ornamental shrimp and fish under 2 inches long may also be treated as food.

To reduce aggression, house Snow White Parrot Cichlids in groups of 4-6 with a male to female ratio around 1:3. Overcrowding can lead to heightened aggression in the tank. Make sure any tank mates require the same water parameters to thrive.

Feeding Your Snow White Parrot Cichlid

Snow White Parrot Cichlids are omnivorous and will accept a wide variety of foods in captivity. Offer them 2-3 small meals daily, varying their diet for complete nutrition:

  • Protein-Rich Foods: Brine shrimp, blood worms, mysis shrimp, crickets, pellets
  • Vegetable Matter: Blanched zucchini, spinach, peas, carrots
  • Supplements: Algae wafers, spirulina, green seaweed
  • Occasional Treats: Brine shrimp, tubifex worms, small feeder fish

Avoid overfeeding as they are prone to obesity when overfed. Remove any uneaten food after 20-30 minutes to keep water quality high.

Providing a quality flake or pellet food as their staple diet, supplemented with vegetables, frozen foods, and other nutrients ensures they receive well-balanced nutrition. Stick to a set feeding schedule each day.

Breeding Snow White Parrot Cichlids

Breeding Snow White Parrot Cichlids presents a rewarding challenge for the intermediate fishkeeper. Read on to learn about their mating and spawning behaviors:

Setting Up the Breeding Tank

  • Use a 20-30 gallon tank with fine gravel substrate and ample hiding spots.
  • Keep water slightly acidic, very clean and 78-82°F.
  • Perform large weekly water changes leading up to breeding.
  • Add a mature male and 3-4 females to the tank.

Pre-Spawning Behavior

  • Males will display to females by spreading their fins and shaking their bodies.
  • Dominant males will mob females excessively and prevent rivals from approaching.
  • Females develop pink bellies and may nip at males if not ready to breed.
  • Courting pairs will isolate themselves once the female is receptive.


  • Spawning happens on flat surfaces like rocks, driftwood, or broad leaves.
  • Females lay 100-1000 eggs during spawning, which are fertilized by the male.
  • Parents will exhibit protective behavior after spawning, guarding the eggs. They may even spawn again every 5-7 days.

Caring for the Eggs

  • Eggs will hatch in 3-5 days if kept at optimal temperature.
  • Remove parents after 2-3 days or they may consume the eggs.
  • Treat eggs with an anti-fungal medication to prevent fungus growth.
  • Small-grained powdered foods can be fed to fry once free-swimming.

With ideal water conditions, these cichlids can breed year-round. Fry are slow growing but will mimic parental colors as they mature. Raising the fry can take dedication but is very rewarding for the fish breeder!

Keeping Your Snow White Cichlid Healthy

Snow White Parrot Cichlids are generally hardy fish but can be susceptible to some common aquarium health issues. Being aware of these diseases and how to treat them is important:

  • Ich (White Spot Disease): Caused by Ichthyophthirius multifiliis protozoa. Seen as white grains on skin, fins, eyes. Treat with elevated heat and anti-parasitic medication.
  • Bacterial Infections: Fin rot, popeye, dropsy. Cause wasting of fins, cloudy eyes, bloating. Treat with antibiotics.
  • Hole in the Head Disease: Caused by Hexamita parasites. Causes sunken pits on the head. Improve water quality and use metronidazole.
  • Swim Bladder Disorder: Difficulty swimming, floating. Can be caused by constipation from overfeeding. Treat with Epsom salt baths and peas.
  • Bloating: Can result from constipation or internal infections. Limit feedings and fast fish for a few days while monitoring.

Prevention is key – providing excellent water quality, varied diet, and low stress is crucial. Quarantine new fish and use a hospital tank at the first signs of disease. Learning to recognize the early symptoms of disease will give you the best chance of successfully treating your fish.


The Controversy Around Parrot Cichlids

While stunning in appearance, Parrot Cichlids like the Snow White have been at the center of controversy within the fishkeeping hobby. Arguments against Parrot Cichlids include:

  • Hybrid Origin: Purists argue Parrot Cichlids should be avoided because they do not exist naturally, instead created artificially from crossbreeding.
  • Deformed Anatomy: The trademark beak mouth and body shape are physical deformities according to critics. They compare it to selective breeding for aesthetic traits in dogs and cats.
  • Encourages Further Hybridization: Due to their popularity, Parrot Cichlids incentivize mass production and additional hybrids for profit.
  • Less Hardy: Their manmade genetics may produce weaker stock. Hybrid species often show more health issues and lower survival rates.

However, supporters of Parrot Cichlids counter that many aquarium fish today are selectively bred or genetically modified. Their unique white coloration and flowing fins can add diversity to the home aquarium when responsibly owned.

The debate continues on about these fish. Prospective owners should carefully research before making an ethical decision on purchasing Parrot Cichlids.

Finding Healthy Snow White Parrot Cichlids

When sourcing Snow White Parrot Cichlids, it is important to locate a reputable seller offering healthy, high-quality stock. Here are some tips for finding and selecting the best specimens:

  • Check reviews and only buy from highly rated breeders or aquarium stores. Avoid big chain pet stores.
  • Examine fish closely for any signs of illness – ratty fins, spots, bloated belly. Pass on sick fish.
  • Pick active fish showing normal swim patterns and behaviors. Make sure fins are intact.
  • Ask about lineage and if they are tank raised. Wild caught fish tend to be less acclimated.
  • Request details on age, diet, water parameters. Only buy juveniles or adults for the best chance of thriving.
  • Pick smaller specimens around 2 inches long. Larger super-sized Parrot Cichlids tend to have more health issues.
  • Will the seller provide a health guarantee? This offers security if the fish dies shortly after purchase.

Take the time to find a quality seller offering healthy, energetic Snow White Parrot Cichlids. Be wary of any red flags that could indicate a fish mill type supplier. The extra effort is worth it!

Joining the Snow White Parrot Cichlid Community

The Snow White Parrot Cichlid has developed an enthusiastic following within the cichlid community. Connecting with fellow aquarists that share your passion for this unique fish can be highly rewarding. Here are some ways to get involved:

  • Join active Facebook Groups like Snow White Cichlid Lovers to share photos, breeding tips, and advice.
  • Check forums like Cichlid-Forum and search for threads related to Snow White Parrot Cichlids under South American or Unusual Cichlids categories.
  • Attend a local fish club meeting or aquarium society meet up. Ask if any members keep or breed Snow White Parrot Cichlids.
  • Read cichlid blogs like CichlidTips that may feature interviews with Snow White breeders or aquarists.
  • Follow Instagrammers and YouTubers who document their experiences keeping this species in amazing detail.
  • Use hashtags like #snowwhitecichlid to connect with fellow aquarists posting pictures on social media.
  • Volunteer at public aquariums that house Parrot Cichlids and learn from professional aquarists.

Connecting with an active online community provides invaluable advice. Breeders can offer proven methods for successfully housing and breeding Snow Whites long-term. It also allows you to share your own knowledge and passion for these incredible fish!

Keeping the Snow White Parrot Cichlid

With their radiant white coloration and graceful fins, Snow White Parrot Cichlids offer cichlid enthusiasts a uniquely beautiful aquarium fish. Providing for their care needs takes dedication, but seeing them thrive is incredibly rewarding. We hope this guide has presented you with everything you need to know to make an informed decision if housing the Snow White Parrot Cichlid is right for you. Let their inner light brighten your freshwater aquarium!

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